Monday - Jan 19, 2015

7 Reasons To Read Your Bible

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The Bible is God’s word, faithfully recorded for the benefit of all humanity. Think about it.

1. The Bible is God’s word, faithfully recorded for the benefit of all humanity. Think about it. God intended that the Bible would be, throughout the history of civilization, one of the primary means of revealing himself to mankind. In fact God has invested so much in his Word that it is almost impossible to know God apart from it! It gives us a plumb line with which to measure all doctrines and teachings to determine their truthfulness.

2. Because of this, the Word provides a framework in which we can have a relationship with God. Complex psychological beings that we are – it is possible to totally deceive ourselves. Many people imagine that they are having a relationship with God when they are really just having a relationship with themselves. Or worse yet – with some evil spirit masquerading as God. But the Word gives us clear boundaries within which we can know and build a real relationship with a real God!

3. Thirdly, the Word enlarges us as we fill our lives with it. It catches us in our errors. It admonishes us in our disobediences. It teaches us in our ignorance. It holds us accountable in our irresponsibilities. In other words, systematic study of the Word of God forces us to confront our weaknesses and immaturities and grow up in Christ! It enlarges us in our personality. It expands our thinking and lifts us up to walk as bigger people.

4. Not only that, but the Word makes us strong. People who live the Word of God become mentally strong and emotionally strong in addition to becoming spiritually strong. In and of ourselves we area no match for many of life’s challenges. But when we hold the shield of faith in one hand and the Sword of God’s Word in the other, we can overcome every obstacle!

5. Furthermore, it is the key to releasing the supernatural. Without the Word any pursuit of the supernatural quickly gets derailed into occultism and foolishness. But when we believe and obey the Word we position ourselves for God to confirm his Word with signs and wonders following. Even more so when we preach the Word to the unbelieving and the needy.

6. Knowing the Word is the key to wisdom. Wisdom has nothing to do with education or IQ. Wisdom is knowing the right thing to do and that comes from God. It is available in unlimited quantity to anyone who will seek for it. The primary source for wisdom seekers is the Bible. The more you know the Word, the more you know the mind and heart of the author – the only Wise God.

7. Finally, the Word is our key to freedom. Jesus said that, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Jn 8:31-32. A life built on the Word is a life that is free from the addiction of sin. Free from the fear of Satan. And free from the tyranny of self.

Make a daily habit of studying the Word of God for yourself. Build your life upon it and it will provide you with wisdom, strength, and direction all your days.

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Brad Dewar

Veteran church planters Brad & Wendy Dewar combine apostolic and prophetic anointings together with over twenty-five years of ministry experience to produce dramatic results wherever they go. They have planted twelve churches across Canada and coached many others. As Executive Director of Church Planting for VCI they provide counsel and advice to pastors and churches across the nation. Their fresh approach to the Word of God and fluent ministry in the gifts of the Holy Spirit touches lives and sets people free in Christ.