Sunday - Jun 24, 2012

Canada’s Destiny

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The early morning silence of the fog-shrouded coastline was broken by a shout and the rhythmic sound of oarlocks. The keel of a rowboat ground into the gravel and boots scuffled on the rocks as the sailors debarked.

The early morning silence of the fog-shrouded coastline was broken by a shout and the rhythmic sound of oarlocks. The keel of a rowboat ground into the gravel and boots scuffled on the rocks as the sailors debarked. Up the rocky embankment they struggled, finally emerging just above the fog to stand on a small promontory overlooking the restless sea. “Here”, said a voice. Half a dozen men set to with picks and shovels, eventually sizing out a suitable hole in the rocky soil. Then together they shouldered a large wooden cross of rough beams from the ships store. As the first rays of the rising sun broke through the fog the crude cross cast its shadow westward. Someone offered a prayer.

Cabot 03aThe year was 1497. Englishman John Cabot and his crew had become the first Europeans in recorded history to set foot on the shores of what was to become the Dominion of Canada. The centuries of exploration and settlement that followed revealed a land rich in resources and possibilities. Today Canada is a G8 nation with the world’s ninth largest economy and holds the world’s respect for its industry, peace-keeping, and humanitarian efforts. Canada is a world leader in its example of tolerance, generosity, diplomacy, and the courage of her soldiers. In other words –Canada matters in the world today. But in the plan and purpose of God Canada matters even more.


Canada is one of only a handful of nations that recognize the sovereignty of God in their constitution. The name Dominion Of Canada, drawn from Psalm 72 at the Confederation Conference in PEIin 1867, locked Canada onto its prophetic destiny. But a hundred years earlier the Holy Spirit delivered another clue: in 1776 when the British Empire Loyalists immigrated to Canada many Americans sought to persecute them. Then a prophetic word came forth saying, “Do not hinder these people. Let them move to Canada. I am in the independence of America from Britain, and will mightily use this country. But Canada has been reserved by me for the last days for a special work…”

Perhaps better known is the message delivered by Dr Yonggi Cho in 1975. With America losing much influence around the world following the Vietnam War he was concerned about who would fill their shoes in world missions. “When I came to Canada the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart, ‘Son, you have come to the place which I chose. This is the country I choose to fill the gap.’”

In 1984 he added to it, “Five years ago I visited Canada and travelled from Montreal to Vancouver by car. I was preaching from town to town, and while speaking I felt somewhat depressed – the Canadian church seemed so small. But wherever I went, the Holy Spirit spoke in my heart that God was going to raise up tremendous churches in Canada and that Canada would be used as a missionary sending country, and that Canada would open the way for Jesus Christ to return to this earth. I was afraid to confess that but when I was praying … the Spirit of the Lord would impress my heart to say it. I was afraid because I already thought that America was far greater than Canada. If ever God would use any country, He should use America instead of Canada because America is a … country with greater resources and more population. “But again and again God spoke to my heart that He was going to use Canada, so finally in Toronto, with great inner faith, I prophesied as the Holy Spirit anointed me … I really believe that God is going to bless Canada and the Canadian Church is going to rise up once again and go to the four corners of the world and bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to pave the way for His second coming.”

Why Canada? Because in the global community today very few nations can boast the economic might, the solid Christian roots, the international respect and the pioneering spirit of the Canadian people.Canada matters in the plan of God! In fact, it is entirely possible that God has destined Canada to play a central role in the final act of the ages.


And if it’s true that Canada matters – then the church in Canada matters. The church is this nation’s heart, her soul, her true centre, her moral compass.Canada cannot possibly rise to her destiny without the church. Unless the “true north” has a Christian heart, she will never be “strong and free”. Without a visible church we are a nation without a vision. Without a vocal church we are a nation without a voice. Without a courageous church we are a nation without a conscience. It is the church’s responsibility and hers alone to point this nation to its true destiny.

Canada today is spiritually drifting while much of the church seems content to dust the furniture in the museums of yesterday’s religion. The church in this nation must be re-awakened to its essential role in national and eschatological affairs. I’m not talking about merely another revival but about a heads-up church that can render intelligent engagement and involvement in the shaping of our culture.Canada desperately needs some men of Issachar in this hour – leaders who know the times and the seasons and what Canada ought to do!

Canada needs a church that will inspire it. A church that will help it develop its foreign policies and determine its national priorities. A church with such a compelling vision of our national destiny that it will attractCanada’s brightest and the best to its cause. What we lack is revelation. We need a revelation of Canada’s vital role in God’s plans. We need a revelation of God’s hand at work positioning this nation for the final harvest.

Without a visible church we are a nation without a vision. Without a vocal church we are a nation without a voice.


The church in Canada matters! And if the church in Canada matters – then you matter. Your place in the church at this very moment of history is not an accident. You have a definitive role to play – a mission that you must not fail to carry out. If the fate of billions hangs on Canada, and the fate of Canada hangs on the church – then the fate of the church rests with you.

The shadow of the cross that John Cabot planted there on Newfoundland’s rocky shore has fallen across the centuries to touch the ground at your feet. Your task is to rouse the sleeping giant. To sow the seeds of a magnificent vision in the hearts of God’s people. Canada matters in the plan of God! Canada matters right now! The eyes of all heaven are turned upon this land in this darkening hour and, like Esther, we are come to the kingdom for just such a time as this! You matter! This is your country. This is your hour. And God is calling you to ignite your church with this magnificent vision. Together we can do it. Time is short and we cannot succeed without you!

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Brad Dewar

Veteran church planters Brad & Wendy Dewar combine apostolic and prophetic anointings together with over twenty-five years of ministry experience to produce dramatic results wherever they go. They have planted twelve churches across Canada and coached many others. As Executive Director of Church Planting for VCI they provide counsel and advice to pastors and churches across the nation. Their fresh approach to the Word of God and fluent ministry in the gifts of the Holy Spirit touches lives and sets people free in Christ.

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