Thursday - Jan 16, 2014

The Four P’s of Prayer

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Over the years people have invented all kinds of aids to prayer – from liturgical prayers, to expanding on the Lords Prayer, to an acrostic on the word ‘PRAYER’, and many others.

Over the years people have invented all kinds of aids to prayer – from liturgical prayers, to expanding on the Lords Prayer, to an acrostic on the word ‘PRAYER’, and many others. As a radical young believer I scorned all attempts to formulize prayer, arguing that I didn’t need a formula to have a relationship with God. But as time passed I found that having a relationship with God is very similar in many ways to a relationship with people, sometimes it’s hard to keep the conversation rolling. Over the years I developed a little prayer guideline (not a formula!) that’s easy to remember, flows naturally, and touches all the important bases in my relationship with God. Am I limited to just praying through this? Not at all! Do I use it nonetheless? Almost every time I pray. Here it is – four words that all start with the letter P.

Presence. First I get my mind totally focussed on God by thanking him for his presence. That he is right here with me. Right now. In all his power, his love, wisdom, his fullness. I tell him how glad I am for his presence and how much I enjoy it and depend on it. This attunes my spirit to God and opens my spiritual ears to listen.

Purpose. Secondly I thank him for his purpose at work in my life. I take the opportunity every day to surrender myself to his purposes and his leading. I do this knowing that although he may use me to touch others throughout the day, the biggest part of his purpose is shaping me and preparing me for eternity.

People. Here I thank him for my wife. I pray for my kids and others currently in my ‘circle’. As time goes by all kinds of people move in and out of my daily life. I pray for whoever the key people are in my life at that time. This may include church leaders, neighbours, or whoever I’m dealing with that day. Over time you really pray for a lot of people!

Provision. Lastly I thank God for his faithful providence and put any requests I may have before him. I can cover these four points in four minutes or four hours depending on the situation. And notice – they are all start by saying “Thank you.”. Whatever helps you to connect with God daily and stay connected throughout the day is a goodly means to a godly end!

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Brad Dewar

Veteran church planters Brad & Wendy Dewar combine apostolic and prophetic anointings together with over twenty-five years of ministry experience to produce dramatic results wherever they go. They have planted twelve churches across Canada and coached many others. As Executive Director of Church Planting for VCI they provide counsel and advice to pastors and churches across the nation. Their fresh approach to the Word of God and fluent ministry in the gifts of the Holy Spirit touches lives and sets people free in Christ.

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