Saturday - Jan 25, 2014

When The Fast Is Past

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If you have been fasting and praying during the last few weeks, you have already noticed some of the spiritual benefits:

If you have been fasting and praying during the last few weeks, you have already noticed some of the spiritual benefits: a feeling of being cleansed, of having gotten some work done in prayer, being closer to God, and so on. One clear result of an extended time of seeking God is a keener sense of hearing, the ability to hear God’s voice and sense his leading more readily.

As for the fasting side of it, most people are usually just glad it’s over! But there are some great side benefits here too: being physically cleansed of toxins, perhaps a little well-needed weight loss, being more fit, and so on. However, it would be a shame to leave your fast in the past without gaining one of it’s greatest benefits – the ability to hear more clearly what your body is saying. The first time I came off a long fast over thirty years ago I found that I was acutely aware of what was going on inside my body. This was totally new to me. For my whole life I had simply eaten what was set before me (thanks Mom!) and went to work – no questions asked. I had no idea that my body could talk at all or that mine had been yelling at me for years! I quickly learned a few things about healthy eating that I have lived by ever since:

1. Listen to your body. It knows what it needs to be healthy more than all the diet gurus in the world combined. Once you fast long enough to get past all the cravings, you are in a good position to listen for what your body really craves. Not what your eyes, nose, or imagination craves – what your body craves. If you feel inexplicably drawn to a spinach salad or a plate of oysters – you’re probably low on iron, for example. Learn to tune in on that. Try to stop before just eating whatever is there and ask your body how it really feels about it. You might be surprised what it says!

2. Drink a lot of water. Water is to the body what oil is to an engine. It lubricates the muscles, cleanses out toxins continually, and keeps all the internal parts running smoothly. For years I got up, went to the office, drank two or three cups of coffee – and never had another drink all day! Well into my forties with a host of minor health issues cropping up – I discovered water! Now I’m swimming in it. Seriously, I never go anywhere without a litre bottle. I drink at least two litres a day and twice that if it’s hot out. And I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes here –  but I just refill mine out of the tap. City water in modern Canadian cities is way more rigorously standardized than bottled.

3. Read the labels. Again, thanks to our government, everything we buy off the grocery store shelf has a complete nutrition analysis right on the label. Be a discriminating eater. I’m not advocating that you turn diet-whacko – but now that your body is clean and toxin-free, why turn right around and load it back up again? Being healthy and feeling great is it’s own reward. And it starts with how you eat.

If this was helpful, make sure you read Food Rules!

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Brad Dewar

Veteran church planters Brad & Wendy Dewar combine apostolic and prophetic anointings together with over twenty-five years of ministry experience to produce dramatic results wherever they go. They have planted twelve churches across Canada and coached many others. As Executive Director of Church Planting for VCI they provide counsel and advice to pastors and churches across the nation. Their fresh approach to the Word of God and fluent ministry in the gifts of the Holy Spirit touches lives and sets people free in Christ.

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