Friday - Jan 3, 2020

Stick To The Code

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Everybody needs a code they can live by - a set of principles direct them; a few proven truths to point the way; an anchor or two to hold them fast in the storm...




Everybody needs a code they can live by - a set of principles to direct them; a few proven truths to point the way; an anchor or two to hold them fast in the storm; a roadmap to guide them through life’s twists and turns. After 40 years of Christian living, I find that my own personal code can be summed up in these four priorities:

  1. Serve God. This comes before everything else. Many people struggle to find their purpose in life. For me it’s one of two choices: 1) serve God 2) other. If you choose to serve God, he will make your life satisfying, significant, fruitful, and fulfilling. If you choose not to serve God, then it doesn’t much matter what else you do, for it has no eternal value.

  2. Love my family. To me, nothing is more important than family. Whether they are family by blood or by choice, everybody needs a family! To love your family means to always do your utmost to protect them, provide for them, enjoy them, and help them be all they can be.

  3. Improve myself. This is what makes all things possible. There are no limits on what you can achieve if you are willing to learn what it takes. When your life is a relentless quest to improve your mind, your health, your skills, and your spiritual life – your horizons never stop expanding.

  4. Change my world. If you're not ready to launch a global child rescue today, at least pick the garbage, straighten a picture, or make somebody smile! In big ways and small ways, you can make your world a better place everyday.

Now the main thing about a code is this – if you're not going to live by it, then you’re better off without it. You have to eat it, breathe it, talk it, believe it, and do it - every day! Of course, your code may be different than mine, but whatever it is, here’s what I suggest: get up every morning for the next year, and for the few seconds that it takes, look in the mirror and remind yourself out loud what you're living by: “Today I will serve God, love my family, improve myself, and change my world!”

Just keep telling yourself that every day until it is truly who you are and what you do. Every day.

Read 6860 times Last modified on Thursday - Jan 9, 2020
Brad Dewar

Veteran church planters Brad & Wendy Dewar combine apostolic and prophetic anointings together with over twenty-five years of ministry experience to produce dramatic results wherever they go. They have planted twelve churches across Canada and coached many others. As Executive Director of Church Planting for VCI they provide counsel and advice to pastors and churches across the nation. Their fresh approach to the Word of God and fluent ministry in the gifts of the Holy Spirit touches lives and sets people free in Christ.

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