If there was a way to compile the statistics I would be willing to bet that most of the stuff that actually gets accomplished in this world probably happens on Plan B – not Plan A.
One of the clearest, simplest statements about leadership that I’ve ever heard is from Dr George Hill: “People don’t follow a vision – they follow a credible leader with a vision.”
Well, here we are. If you’re reading this, you have survived 2011 to watch the sun come up on a brand new year. Congratulations!
I can remember the first couple of churches Wendy and I planted, back in the ninties. When Victory came into town we were viewed with great suspicion by other existing churches.
My grandfather was a real pioneer. Along with his father and brothers, he moved out to the plains of west-central Saskatchewan in 1905. They took the train to Coleville, then loaded everything they owned in a horse-drawn wagon and rumbled another 40 odd miles out across the empty prairie grasslands until they reached their legal homestead.